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Fairville Revealed: Captivating Videos about our Project Await!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our video dissemination campaign, a multifaceted exploration that promises to captivate, inform, and surprise!


Our journey begins with a snapshot video from the Open Citizen Seminar held in the heart of Brussels in November 2023 (more details here). Citizens, activists, and researchers gathered to discuss co-production opportunities and address inequalities  based on the experiences of our nine Fairville Labs. Through candid reflections and shared experiences, we gained insights into Fairville’s overarching mission. Check it out! 

What to expect next?

Brace yourselves for other new snapshot videos! Expect vivid storytelling, expert interviews, and glimpses of everyday life from our future events. 

Capsules of project insights are like treasure troves of knowledge. Each one will focus on a specific project themes distilling wisdom from our partners across the 9 Fairville Labs. Whether it’s addressing inequality, democratising urban action or diffusion co-production practices, these capsules empower us all.

Anticipate Surprises. What’s a campaign without surprises? While we won’t reveal all the secrets, expect delightful twists.

Next stop: Fairville’s midterm seminar in Marseille from June 26th to June 30th. Researchers, activists and public authorities active in our Fariville Labs will gather, exchange ideas, and celebrate progress. 

Stay tuned!!


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